Evaluate the Cost ...

Step 2: to know better your IT assets.
It is necessary for you to know better your data-processing system before organizing it : some rules through our experience can be used as examples and help you in a strategy according to the needs for your company.
Our experience will help in your strategy according to the needs of your company.

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- Evaluate precisely the cost: to know exactly how much costs each workstation, the cost of renewal for material, software and subcontracting.
- Carry out a precise inventory of your data-processing systems: the inventory often requires working hours: to automate allows a considerable saving of time. To carry out a precise inventory (configurations, hardware, software, etc) and network equipments, using an automated inventory software tool is essential. Our tools will give you an automatic report on what is on place. Installed on a Server, our software scans all your workstations connected to the network and records all information relating to their configuration.
- Identify all your guarantee and maintenance contracts: all the computer activities of your company must be harmonized and managed by precise rules. The references and characteristics of your contracts (material, software, etc) - must be listed and organized in order to make quickly the good decision when a material breaks down.
- Check your licenses agreements: in your budget, the line “licenses software” becomes increasingly important. In addition, setting in conformity of your software license agreements will enable you to avoid legal nuisances. Our inventory and asset management tools of can help you to compare previous inventories, to locate “wild installations” (software downloaded or installed from a personal CD-Rom).