Landpark® Manager

Professional IT Assets Management Software for a fast exploitation and management of your IT assets (ITAM and SAM), Landpark Manager offers you a powerful and professional tool for an optimal management of your data processing systems (700.000 installed licenses).
Effective management of your IT assets has now become a strategic requirement. Landpark Manager adapts itself to companies' needs - regardless of their size or structure - to ensure that the IT Manager controls its computer assets and to assist him in decision-making. Landpark Manager enables you to effectively manage your entire data processing systems (hardware and software) and ensures you a perfect economic control. Landpark Manager is your professional supervision tool for better control of IT assets. Its features make it the ideal tool able to help you more each day for better management. Landpark Manager is a complete software, with convivial ergonomics “tree view”, making it possible to ensure the complete cycle of management of your data-processing equipment. Its Helpdesk module will enable you to manage incidents of any nature.

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A user-friendly interface with graphical views of your IT assets.
- Comprehensive management of your IT assets,
- Multi-site/multi-company management,
- High-level views of your IT assets (geographical organizational network) using "Treeview" components,
- Treeview-based site management,
- User directory service by department and company,
- Assign users to hardware, software, tickets,
- User-friendly interface,
- Immediate and easy access to information and features.
Treeview and move history with Landpark Manager |

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Quickly manage your IT assets and Non-IT assets via a context-sensitive toolbar.
Whatever asset type is selected (computer, printer software, network element, network card, hard disk device, monitor, etc) you can manage all of the following:
- Purchase settings,
- Guarantees,
- Maintenance contracts,
- Lease agreements,
- Insurance contracts,
- Subscription agreements,
- Ticket creation on currently selected item,
- Depreciation calculation,
- Budget line allocation,
- Loan agreements.
How to manage IT assets and Non-IT assets via a context-sensitive toolbar
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High availability of information on each of your assets.
Whatever asset is selected, information can be quickly retrieved:
- Item move history,
- Full summary of all topics related to the item (technical, contract, assignments, tickets, etc ),
- Item location,
- Remote control,
- Duplicate items automatically,
- Print out a complete signable summary that describes currently allocated hardware.
Benefits with Landpark Manager |
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Managing move history of your equipment.
Whatever item is selected, each item has a move history that includes:
- Move dates,
- Original state and destination state,
- Who is responsible for the move,
- Move history and items by location.
How to manage move history with Landpark Manager |
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PCs associated with users.
- Assigning a user to a PC or other items can be done manually by choosing his/her name in the user list,
- You can also automatically assign users to PCs based on the login name retrieved from the user record and the login name found during the inventory phase,
- User-assignment history on a PC,
- Item list by user,
- Signable assignment sheets.
PCs associated with users |

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Managing your software licenses.
- Software list by location and family, ID, number of detected licenses, number of purchased licenses,
- To open a software item, assign a license number to the PC where the license is installed, insert its license type and the number of times the license key needs to be duplicated in order to transfer the license to another PC,
- Create alerts on unwanted software or unlicensed software sent by email,
- Quickly identify which PCs have unwanted or unlicensed software,
- PC list associated with software licenses.
How to manage software with Landpark Manager |
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Modify the software reference list, add your own applications or detect unwanted software.
- Software reference list, add your in-house applications (exe, dll, *.*),
- Mark software products or file extensions as unwanted and detectable by alerts,
- Find any application that is not registered in your software reference list.
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Export all your IT item or non-IT item lists (Excel, Word, Xml, Html, PDF, Email PDF).
- Each list can be exported to EXCEL, WORD, XML,
- Included reports can be exported to EXCEL, WORD, XML, HTML, PDF, Email PDF.
Report and export with Landpark Manager
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Predefined queries on standard RDBMS (SQL Server) with export to Excel.
- Graphical query builder using standard RDBMS technology (SQL Server),
- Export to Excel,
- Quick overview of your queries.
Landpark QueryBuilder |
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Managing your acquisition or rental settings.
- Acquisition mode and financial settings on each item,
- Buying, renting, leasing, loan, etc.
- Purchase order, invoice number, prices in Euros or other currencies, purchase date, supplier, asset number, acknowledgment of delivery date, deployment date, attachments,
- Other equipment associated with the same purchase,
- Automatic assignment of the same purchase parameters to multiple items,
- Assignment to a budget,
- Financing options on an item.
How to manage acquisitions with Landpark Manager |

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Managing your guarantees.
- Reference of the guarantee contract on each item, amount, supplier, type of contract, type of ticket, response time, start date, end date, extension type, extension start date, extension end date, periodicity, expiration date, expiration date alert, comment field, assignment to a budget line,
- Other equipment associated with the same contract,
- Automatic assignment of the same contract parameters to multiple items,
- Contract amendments.
- Create alerts on expired contracts sent by email.
Guarantee contracts with Landpark Manager |

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Managing your maintenance contracts.
- Reference of the maintenance contract on each item, amount, supplier, contract type, ticket type, response time, start date, end date, extension type, extension start date, extension end date, periodicity, expiration date, expiration date alert, comment field , assignment to a budget line,
- Other equipment covered by the same contract,
- Automatic assignment of the same contract parameters to multiple items,
- Contract amendments.
- Create alerts on expired contracts sent by email.

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Managing your loan agreements, insurance contracts and subscription agreements.
- Reference of the contract/agreement on each item, amount, holder, contract type, start date, end date, extension type, expiration date, expiration date alert, comment field,
- Other equipment associated with the same contract,
- Automatic assignment of the same contract parameters to multiple items.
- Create alerts on expired contracts/agreements sent by email.
Maintenance, insurance and subscription contracts with Landpark Manager |

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Managing orders and purchase requests.
- Order list, order date, order number, signee, amount, supplier, order status,
- Delivery order, receipt date, recipient name, asset number, amount received, receiving partial or total order,
- Order details, delivery address, billing address, delivery mode, addition of the ordered products and reference content to the articles and catalogs management by suppliers, attachment, observation, delivery note edition,
- Allocation to budget lines.
How to manage orders with Landpark Manager |

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Managing your budget and budget lines.
- Budget and budget line lists, reference budget, years, amount provisioned, amount used, balance, grant file number,
- State budget, signee, accounting allocation, analytical assignment, validation date, asset number, expected number of items, number of purchased items,
- Purchases associated with the budget line,
- Financing options associated with the budget line,
- Contracts associated with the budget line,
- Assignment of purchases to budget lines.
How to manage budgets with Landpark Manager |

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Managing your consumables.
- Consumables list by location and family,
- Duplicate a consumable from the catalog, catalog code, number of items to create, family, designation, brand, model, storage place, purchase order purchase date, invoice number, delivery date, delivery note, deployment date, immobilization number, price, supplier, reorder alert,
- Allocation of supplies to stock,
- List of consumables in stock and deployed consumables,
- Quick search within deployed consumables,
- Alerts on consumables reaching the reorder threshold.
How to manage consumables with Landpark Manager |

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Managing your non-IT assets.
- Unlimited and free management of all your non-IT assets,
- To import from Excel file all your non-IT assets,
- Open and manage a non-IT asset, assign a user, insert additional data access move history, duplicate it, move to specific location,
- When opening a non-IT asset, the management toolbar makes it possible to edit its acquisition parameters, its guarantee contract, its maintenance contract, to open a ticket on this item, to calculate its depreciation method to allocate it to a budget line, to loan this item, etc.
- You can even give limited rights (to general services, for instance) to handle non-IT assets only.
How to manage Non-IT assets with Landpark Manager |

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Tickets on your IT and non-IT assets.
- You can open a ticket regardless of the asset type (PC, printer, software, network element, network card, hard disk, device, monitor, non-IT items, etc.…), Ticket can have different statuses (pending assignement, assigned, cancelled, on hold, resumed, confirmed and closed),
- You can look up the following information: who opened a ticket, browse the problems and solutions tree, priority, expected lead time, keywords description of the problem,
- Assignment of the ticket to an in-house technician or to a supplier, name date and time,
- Solutions associated with the request,
- Report made when closing,
- Archive of ticket-related events (search by subject, date, localization, etc ...)
- Multiple solutions (files or URLs) related to the problem,
- Quick access and modification of the knowledge base,
- Print the ticket (detailed ticket report and history) / Export to Excel, Word, Html.
How to manage tickets on your IT and non-IT assets with Landpark Manager |

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Warnings on expired contracts, supply reorder, unlicensed or unwanted software and alerts sent by email.
- Warnings and alerts on all forms of contract expirations,
- Warnings and alerts on supply reorder,
- Warnings and alerts on unlicensed or unwanted software.
Alerts with Landpark Manager
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Controlling access to features, locations and organizations.
- Depending on the profile, features are enabled or disabled,
- Access rights on features,
- Access rights on locations,
- Access rights on organizations.
How to manage access rights with Landpark Manager
Landpark Manager features